Sunday, June 3, 2012

Oversized Coloring Sheets

Art Camp starts tomorrow.  One of the things the kids will get to learn about and do is create a mural. How do you do this with 40+ kids from 6 years old to 14?  Well, you teach it like a giant coloring page!

To do this, I decided on what I wanted for each of the 4 murals.  We are doing one per show/group.  Then I drew the design onto a full sized flat sheet. Then, with this one, since it's about Babe, the blue ox, I outlined Babe in blue, the farmhouse in red and and the windmill inn silver. 

Unlike a traditional mural for the stage, ours will have some white space, there is no way we could paint the entire thing in just a couple of rotations.  I'm looking forward to teaching the kids about stage painting and how to paint on a large scale!

Four full size sheets, going across the backstage are going to look great!! And for those of you out there who are leery of doing something like this with kids, instead of using paint, you could use markers...just make sure you put something underneath the sheet!

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