We finished the summer with a bang celebrating my dad's birthday at a family water park called Burger's Lake. Really, it's a throwback style man-made lake, complete with life guards that tell you that it's your job to take care of your kids and things like that!
We loved it!
One of the cool things is all of the green space. Plenty of room to grill (you can bring your own food!) play a game of volleyball and even throw a football!
Here are few pictures of the afternoon!
Lexi takes swimming very seriously!!
Family picnic time.
Kylie and Ma going down the slides!
I took a ton of pictures right off the bat. Good thing as Doug hurt his arm on the trapeze swing and I had to leave and take him to the care now. See the people and the blue trampoline in the background of the picture below? That's the line for the trapeze swing. You hang on, swing out to the middle of the lake and drop into the water. Doug did this. Once was fine. The second time he torn the tendon off his elbow and will have surgery on Friday.

The day was a little nuts with it being the weekend before school starting and Doug hurting his arm, but really it was a lot of fun for the kids. We will be going back next summer!!
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