Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quiet Play and Two Year Olds Don't Mix

If you have ever tried to get a two year old to play quietly for more than a few minutes, you know that it is an excerise in frustration. For both of you.

So how in.the.world. am I suppossed to get Kylie to only particpate in quiet play activities for TWO WEEKS!!

I have decided that if it is so important to keep a child from running, climbing, jumping, dancing, and all manner of things that they could do that would result in falling or getting hurt, that you should put a cast on their leg.

That wouldn't stop the play. But it would slow her down.

Yes, this is where I find myself on day five post-surgery. 

Kylie is MEAN!
Kylie is CRANKY!

and by gosh, she's going to CLIMB!

Let me see, so far this morning,

I've been yelled at.  
I've been spit at.
I've been hit.
I've changed the sheets on my bed due to medicine being slapped out of my hands.
I've had a shower due to being COVERED in sticky hydrocodone.

I'm expecting that things will get better.

And to remind myself ... here is an adorable picture of my goose. And oh shock. She's on top of a table.

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