Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Daycare that Spoils. (In A Good Way!)

Way back in August I posted about Kylie's new daycare and how good things were going.  Well, it's late January and it is still good!!  Yeah, we've had a couple of ughs.  Like biting.  But, when you take a toy away from someone, you probably should expect to be bit. 

By and large, Kylie's "school" is awesome.  Like every other daycare, I wish it had a more "homey" feel, but the facility is clean, there are plenty of toys, the curriculum is great and Kylie is happy.

Why is she happy?  It's the staff!!  They are incredible.  All of them.  I'm sure that the few staff in my pictures would be just thrilled to know that their pics are on my blog, but too bad.  :)

Kylie's teachers, Tara and Paige love on her everyday.  They offered to get Kylie ready for me in the mornings since she gets their early. So most mornings, they get her dressed, fix her hair in braids or ponytails and this last week, they even added teaching her how to brush her teeth!!! Yeah Baby!!

Here is Kylie and Tara. Tara would be mortified at Kylie's hair.  It is always fixed perfectly when I pick her up. But these pictures were taken at the Christmas party so they had other things going on that day!

This next picture is of Tara, Paige and Tate. 
Tate, the lady you can barely see, wearing glasses is a director?? Not sure. She's always there, always smiling, runs the front desk and takes Kylie many mornings all wrapped in a blanket and cuddles her! 
It is so nice to see my sweet child being loved on by the people that take care of her everyday!
What's even better about Kylie's school?  It's not just these ladies, it's April and another Paige and countless other hard workers that make Kylie's day special.  They know that Kylie doesn't eat meat, so they give her extra helpings of fruit.  One day, one of the teachers even pulled apart the lasagna so that Kylie would eat the noodles!

And lastly, since one would think I am a commerical for them, they are teaching Kylie the fundamentals of reading and math.  The two year old class isn't just play, she is learning to love reading and knows her colors and numbers and letters. 

So, there you have it.  If you are looking at childcare, take a few minutes to visit different schools at different times of the day. Ask lots of questions and look at the kids.  Yes, there are ALWAYS nasty snotty noses.  That's just one of the perks you get when you get more than 2 or 3 kids together! Ask if they have video cameras in the classrooms. We have that and can log in and watch our kids play!  I can't remember to and don't have time too, but you can bet that if there was a problem or I was concerned I would in a heartbeat! And lastly, watch the interactions of the staff.  The workers should work as a team, if they are not, ask who is doing all the work and wonder what happens if that worker leaves.  Would your child have the same experience if that person were not there? Some daycare's have really high turnover rates and you want to know if your child's classroom is going to be in constant upheaval.

Hey, and if you happen to live in my area and look at this daycare, tell em you read about them on my blog.  Maybe I'll get a referral discount! :)

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