Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Progress made.. I found a rug

 The final touches of the home renovation (ie decorating) are taking forever.

But we finally found a rug that we liked, could afford and was available!

So yay!

Are you an "inch deep and a mile wide" or a "mile deep and an inch wide" person?

If you have read even a couple of my blog posts, you know that I have a great love of learning and that I am all about figuring out something new. 

I have recently figured out that not everyone thinks like this.. :) And this got me thinking and wondering.. 

Are you an "inch deep and a mile wide" 
or a "mile deep and an inch wide" kind of person?

This "inch deep and a mile wide" philosophy guides my teaching style as well. I really want my students to experience all kinds of art so that they can move into the next phase of their lives saying that while they may not know much about something, they at least have had first hand experience with a technique or art medium.

To that end, I am having one of my art 1 classes learn how to make slip, pour molds and make ceramic pieces.

It is messy and fun and so cool to watch students who have been given the freedom to learn, create, FAIL and then finally succeed!

Maybe that is why I am such a proponent of the "inch deep and a mile wide" philosophy... When you are willing (or required) to learn new things, you have to understand that failure is part of the process. But if you only do what you already know how to do, you don't have to worry about the possibility of failure.

That's not to say that choosing to get really good at one thing is bad. We need both kinds of people to make the world work. But my question for those of you who are "mile deep and an inch wide" people is.. don't you get bored? It's a real question. I'd love to know your insights!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My Amazing Middle

Parenting is hard.

Many days I feel like I am barely keeping my head above water. 

The last few weeks have been worse than normal. Maddie had a horrible October, as most of her October's in her life have been starting with her very first one at five months old sixteen years ago! She was sick every day of October. It was scary.

In the midst of this, my healthy girls get less than the best of me. It's not that they get forgotten, but everything slides. Homework, chores, bathtime.. the routine goes out the window and we all suffer.

You would think by now I could have figured out how to parent a chronically ill child as well as how to parent healthy children.

I haven't.

My heart's desire this fall is to learn how to be a better all-in mom to my middle child. Lexi is my "mini-me" and she is at a crucial age that needs me to be focused on her.  Sixth grade is tough enough on a kid without having a mom distracted by the continual health needs of an older sibling and a vocal little sister!

So how am I going to be all in? I don't know. But I'm going to start tonight by inviting my girl to go out for Starbucks after I teach my evening class. It may just be a few stolen minutes here and there, but I have to be intentional about these moments or the years will pass and I will miss the opportunity to get to know my amazing middle.